Prioritising your

Terrigal Endodontic Procedures

Gently and effectively managing diseases and infections of the dental pulp and the surrounding tissues


Endodontic treatment treats the inside of the tooth and is necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes: deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty or leaking crowns, or a cracked or chipped tooth. Trauma to a tooth may also cause pulp damage even if the tooth has no visible chips or cracks. If pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess.  

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms you may require endodontic treatment: pain, prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, tenderness to touch and chewing, discolouration of the tooth, and swelling, drainage and tenderness in the lymph nodes as well as nearby bone and gum tissues. Sometimes, however, there are no symptoms and the need for endodontic treatment may only be picked up during a routine examination. 


The thought of endodontic treatment may make you anxious with a number of common misconceptions circulating that endodontic treatments, such as root canal treatment, are painful, cause illness and should be avoided at all costs. The exact opposite is true!

With our modern technology and anaesthetics we promise to provide the quickest, most comfortable and pain-free treatment possible. For the patient, endodontic treatment is not too dissimilar to having a normal filling done. The pain from a severe toothache, often caused by damaged tissues in the tooth, can be easily remedied when we remove the damaged tissue through root canal treatment. We will always do our best to see you promptly so we can relieve your symptoms without delay.

Information you may find on the Internet or elsewhere, claiming that if you receive a root canal treatment you’re more likely to become ill or contract a disease in the future simply isn’t true. There is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canal treatment to disease elsewhere in the body.

Saving your natural teeth, if possible, is always the best option. Nothing artificial can replace the look or function of a natural tooth so it’s important to always consider root canal treatment as an option. Endodontic treatment has a high success rate and many root canal-treated teeth last a lifetime. Replacing an extracted tooth with a bridge or implant requires more time in treatment and may result in further procedures to neighbouring teeth and supporting tissue.

Terrigal Endodontics - Gentle root canal treatments on the Central Coast, NSW

Root Canal Treatment

There is no need to be anxious if you need a root canal and you’ll see why here. This informative video walks you through each step of the procedure and explains how we can save your teeth.

During root canal treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling for protection. After restoration, the tooth continues to function like any other tooth.

Although the pulp is removed, your tooth can survive because the tooth continues to be nourished by the surrounding tissues. With regular brushing and flossing, proper diet and periodic dental checkups your tooth should last a lifetime. While there is no guarantee, the success rate of endodontic procedures is very high. Most teeth are saveable, however, if we feel that your tooth has a poor prognosis you will be informed of this at the time of the consultation. Occasionally an endodontically treated tooth may need an additional surgical procedure or have to be removed.

From a patient’s point of view, modern root canal treatment is not too dissimilar to having a routine filling and, depending on the condition of the tooth, is usually completed in one or two appointments. With good anaesthesia and post-treatment pain management, you can expect a comfortable experience during and after your appointment.

Often the only other alternative is removal of the tooth. The extracted tooth may then need replaceing with an implant, bridge or removable partial denture to restore chewing function and to prevent adjacent teeth from shifting. Because these options require extensive surgery or dental procedures on adjacent healthy teeth, they can be far more costly and time consuming than the endodontic procedure and restoration of the natural tooth. No matter how effective tooth replacements are, nothing is as good as your own natural tooth.

You should avoid biting or chewing anything hard on the treated tooth until the tooth is fully restored with a permanent filling or crown by Tony or by your referring dentist. We like to see this happen within 30 days of your root canal to avoid loss of the temporary filling, bacterial leakage, reinfection or tooth fracture. An unrestored tooth can fracture so prompt completion of the treatment of your tooth is necessary following the root canal therapy.

The inflamed pulp tissue inside the tooth will eventually break down and die. Once this happens, bacteria have access to the jaw bone and to your blood system. This leads to bone destruction, swelling or drainage from the gum. Once enough bone is destroyed the only treatment option would be to remove your tooth. An untreated infection has the potential for facial swelling, which can lead to life threatening situations of obstructed airway or brain abscess. Some studies suggest that untreated chronic jaw infections are linked to systemic health problems such as heart disease.

Endodontic Re-Treatment

It’s possible that a tooth that has undergone a root canal may heal improperly and require an additional treatment. Watch this video to learn more about this endodontic procedure.

New trauma, deep decay, or a loose, cracked or broken filling can cause new infection in a previously root treated tooth. In some cases, we may discover additional very narrow or curved canals that could not be treated during the initial procedure. The advanced technology used by Tony Appleton enables him to access and treat more complicated canal anatomy than may have been previously available.

During retreatment, Tony will re-open your tooth and remove the filling materials that were placed in the root canals during the first procedure. Tony then carefully examines the tooth, looking for additional canals or new infection. He then removes any infection, cleans and shapes the canals, and places new filling materials. The opening is then sealed with a temporary filling. Once the tooth heals, a new crown or other restoration is placed on the tooth to protect it.

Recent studies have shown that with the techniques and technology currently available re-treatments can reach success rates of 90% after 5 years.

Endodontic Surgery

Learn about the surgical procedures endodontists perform to treat an abscess or infection and save your tooth.

It is possible that root canal treatment alone won’t be enough to save your tooth and that Tony will recommend surgery. Endodontic surgery can be used to locate small fractures or hidden canals previously undetected on X-rays during the initial treatment. Surgery may also be needed to remove calcium deposits in root canals, or to treat damaged root surfaces or the surrounding bone of the tooth.

If Tony or your referring dentist is suggesting endodontic surgery it is because he or she believes it is the best option for saving your own natural tooth. Of course, there are no guarantees with any surgical procedure. Tony will discuss your chances for success so that you can make an informed decision.

There’s no need to worry about surgery if Tony or your dentist prescribes this additional measure. Advanced technologies like digital imaging and operating microscopes allow these procedures to be performed quickly, comfortably and successfully.

Often, the only alternative to surgery is extraction of the tooth. The extracted tooth may then need to be replaced with an implant, bridge, or removable partial denture to restore chewing function and to prevent adjacent teeth from shifting. Because these alternatives require surgery or dental procedures on adjacent healthy teeth, endodontic surgery is usually the most biologic and cost-effective option for maintaining your oral health.

No matter how effective modern artificial tooth replacements are—and they can be very effective—nothing is as good as a natural tooth. You’ve already made an investment in saving your tooth. The pay-off for choosing endodontic surgery could be a healthy, functioning natural tooth for the rest of your life.

Cracked Teeth

Learn about the symptoms and types of cracked teeth and how endodontists help patients avoid tooth extraction.

Whether your tooth cracks from an injury or general wear and tear, you can experience a variety of symptoms ranging from erratic pain when you chew your food to sudden pain when your tooth is exposed to very hot or cold temperatures. In many cases, the pain may come and go and your dentist may have difficulty locating the tooth causing the discomfort. If you experience these symptoms or suspect a cracked tooth, it is best to be seen as soon as possible.

Saving the natural tooth with root canal treatment has many advantages and is usually preferable to extraction and tooth replacement with dentures, bridges or dental implants. A root treated and restored tooth can help maintain efficient chewing with normal biting force and sensation. They will usually retain a natural appearance and keeping the tooth will protect other teeth from excessive wear or strain.

Tony Appleton will cater treatment to the type, location and extent of the crack. The sooner your tooth is treated, the better the outcome. Once treated, most cracked teeth continue to function as they should, for many years of pain-free biting and chewing.

While cracked teeth are not completely preventable, you can take some steps to make your teeth less susceptible to cracks:

  • Don't chew on hard objects such as ice, unpopped popcorn kernels or pens.
  • Don't clench or grind your teeth.
  • If you clench or grind your teeth while you sleep, talk to your dentist about getting a retainer or other mouthguard to protect your teeth.
  • Wear a mouthguard or protective mask when playing contact sports.

Unlike a broken bone, the fracture in a cracked tooth will not heal. In spite of treatment, some cracks may continue to progress and separate, resulting in loss of the tooth. Placement of a crown on a cracked tooth provides maximum protection but does not guarantee success in all cases.

The treatment you receive for your cracked tooth is important because it will relieve pain and reduce the likelihood that the crack will worsen. Once treated, most cracked teeth continue to function and provide years of comfortable chewing.

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If you have toothache or need root canal treatment we would love to help.
You don't even need a referral to see us.


Terrigal Endodontics
Gunyah Dental
168 Terrigal Drive
NSW 2260


Open 5 days a week by appointment.


(02) 4385 1838


Call (02) 4385 1838 for out of hours assistance or advice.

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